Three Signs of Facial Aging
- Posted on: May 30 2017
But at Creative Image Laser Solutions, we have various tools for use in not stopping the march of time, but surely delaying its visible signs. Sometimes our patients wonder what kinds of changes they will experience and if they will know it’s time to do something about them.
Here are the three signs of aging that usually prompt people to consider getting some help.
- Skin laxity— Gravity is a much better worker than that guy in the corner office. Gravity is always on the job, and your skin is particularly susceptible to its forces. Plus, as you age your facial muscles lose some of their strength. That combination leads to drooping brows, jowls, sagging cheeks, descending eyelids, and much more.
- Volume loss— Volume loss in many people is far more noticeable than wrinkling. After you turn 20, collagen (the basic support system for your skin) production decreases one percent each year. So, by the age of 50, your collagen production is only 70% of what it used to be. Elastin, the protein responsible for keeping your skin supple and malleable, the production also decreases. The result is volume loss in areas across the face. The areas under the eyes and below the cheekbones both become hollow with volume loss.
- Changes in texture and tone— Where the skin was taut, plump, and smooth, as we age it becomes dull, dry, and leathery. This is due to a combination of reduced collagen and elastin, but also to sun damage, environmental factors, and your personal habits. The skin also becomes thinner with time, again due to decreasing collagen, making it more prone to wrinkling.
When you’re seeking to remedy some of these changes, we have various options for Creative Image. Volume loss, skin laxity, and changes in skin tone and texture can all be addressed non-surgically. Injectables (Botox and dermal fillers), chemical peels, and laser resurfacing treatments all work to improve these areas. Skin laxity can be addressed with skin tightening laser procedures, although extreme cases will probably need surgery. Skin texture and tone respond well to chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, and our line of cosmeceuticals.
Think beyond the face
Many people think about doing something for their face but neglect the neck, chest, décolleté, and hands. These areas are often overlooked, but also merit your attention.
If you’re not sure what your options are for addressing some of the signs of aging that are beginning to show themselves, call us at Creative Image Laser Solutions, 325-641-1927, and let’s discuss what we can do.
Posted in: Anti-Aging