Lasers and Your Unwanted Veins
- Posted on: Jul 30 2017
As we age, we all get little purple, red, and blue squiggly lines on our skin. Although they look as if they’re on the surface, they’re just below — spider veins. At Creative Image Laser Solutions, we put our lasers to work getting rid of these unsightly veins.
Why do I have spider veins?
Spider veins are more common in women. They commonly form on the thighs, ankles, and calves. Younger women can develop them during pregnancy and hormonal fluctuations, but they also develop as we get older.
There are several factors that play a part in the development of spider veins: heredity, pregnancy, weight fluctuation, hormonal changes, and occupations where you are on your feet or sitting for long periods of time.
Are there symptoms?
Most spider veins are only visual, but for some people, in addition to the veins showing themselves, the legs may ache or cramp. Elevating the legs and wearing compression stockings can help with this any pain.
How do lasers beat up on spider veins?
At Creative Image, we love our lasers for removing spider veins. We set the laser wavelength to match the color of the unwanted vein. When the short pulses of energy are delivered down into the skin, the laser energy is absorbed by the hemoglobin and the vein wall. That light converts to heat and causes the vein wall to collapse, sealing off the vein and coagulating the hemoglobin within. Once the vein walls collapse, the vein is gradually absorbed by the body, and it fully disappears in a few weeks.
How many treatments will I need?
We find that laser vein removal requires from one to two treatments, depending on the vein. We space those treatments out from 4-6 weeks.
How does laser vein treatment compare to sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy, the injection of a saline solution directly into the vein to cause irritation and closing off of the vein, has been used since the 1930s for spider vein removal. At Creative Image, we feel lasers do a better job. They offer better coverage of areas; they aren’t limited to certain body areas, and the treatments are painless (unlike the injections of sclerotherapy).
Want to get rid of those pesky spider veins? Call the team at Creative Image Laser Solutions, 325-641-1927, and let’s get to work with our lasers.
Posted in: Varicose Veins